Our company has a comprehensive set of policies aimed at operating at the highest standards across all areas of activity and supporting sustainable development. These policies form the foundation of our business processes, enabling us to meet our environmental, social, and economic responsibilities. Within the framework of our Energy Policy, we aim to optimize energy consumption and use resources as efficiently as possible. We comply with the ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard to continuously improve our energy performance. Additionally, transitioning to 100% Green Energy is one of our primary objectives. In line with our Environmental Policy, we fulfill our commitments to protecting the environment and natural resources. We implement the Environmental Management System with a preventative approach, minimize environmental risks, and emphasize recycling processes. By adhering to the ISO 14001 Standard, we strive to reduce our environmental impact and leave a cleaner environment for future generations. Our Quality Policy focuses on maintaining the highest level of customer satisfaction and embracing a continuous improvement mindset. By fully complying with quality standards, we aim for excellence in our products and services. We also seek to meet customer expectations by increasing our product variety through R&D and innovation efforts. These policies represent a management approach that supports our company’s sustainable success and creates value for all our stakeholders. We are committed to continuously reviewing and improving the implementation of these policies to ensure their effectiveness.